How to apply for the upcoming school year (2024/2025):

  1. Click one of the buttons below to apply to your preferred class

  2. When the registrar receives your applications, they will contact you letting you know if there is an opening available in the class. If there is an opening they will offer you a spot.

  3. Once you accept the class offered to you, you will receive an email from our online portal system, Brightwheel, which will provide the links to all the necessary paperwork, including licensing forms, family information, etc.

Please note, DCCNS follows the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) calendar and guidelines for both class scheduling and age eligibility requirements. Link here to view the DJUSD calendar.

For more information please apply online and/or email the registrar (for items not covered above).

If you would like more information about our tuition assistance program, please email our treasurer.

At this time, our Sprouts class (3-5 year olds) for the 2024-2025 school year is full. If you submit an application, you will be added to the waitlist.

We have loved our experience at DCCNS. Everything from the great teachers to the lifelong friends made while at the school, gave us a great feeling of community! To this day, when passing by the school, my kids yell out, “There’s my school!” I am thankful for the love and care we shared with all of the little ones!

-The Wood Family