Family Task Descriptions

New for 2019

  1. Dinner Night Out Coordinator

  1. Connects with Sudwerk Brewery to plan a fundraising night. Plans other dinner night’s out at local restaurants who offer fundraising nights. (Lamppost Pizza, Woodstock’s Pizza, Black Bear Diner, Panda Express, etc.)

  2. Summer School Registrar/ Coordinator

    Collects all parent agreements, makes weekly class lists and sets up the working parents schedule.

  3. Pictures with Santa Coordinator

    Plan the Santa Day which is held on a Saturday in early December. The coordinator will have a team of assistants and an outline of what was done in it’s inaugural year 2018.

  4. CCPPNS Rep

    Attend California Council Parent Participation Nursery School meetings (3-4 per year) and work with executive director to keep up with CCPPNS emails and happenings.


The auction is DCCNS’ main fundraising event. Proceeds from the auction cover roughly 25 percent of our annual budget. The tasks related to the auction are the jobs we need filled first. All coordinators will have auction support assistants and have the support of the executive director and auction coordinator. We have a complete binder listing how all jobs have been completed in the past.

  1. Auction Coordinator- Connects with the executive director and gets the ball rolling in August. Creates the donation letter. Connects with all other auction coordinators in early September. Meets with the group in October and whenever needed. Helps to introduce the auction at the orientation meeting and serves as a resource to all members of the auction team.

  2. Finance coordinator- Before the auction- Creates a finance spreadsheet. Connects with the auction team to make sure all items purchased or donated are on the expense spreadsheet. Connects with the auction team to make sure all items purchased or donated are on the expense spreadsheet. Inputs all cash/check donations into the spreadsheet.At the auction- organizes and runs the check out process, and makes any payments needed with the help of the DCCNS treasurer.

  3. Food and Beverage Coordinator- Plans catering and beverages, attains an ABC license, and buys (or gets donated) food and drink supplies. All previous details are in the auction folder.

  4. Decorations and Photo Booth coordinator(s)- plans and purchases all decorating supplies. Works the day of the auction to lead auction assistants in decorating.

  5. Publicity and Ticket Sales- Works with treasurer to set up online ticket purchases. Promotes the auction and ticket sales via flyers, email and social media.

  6. Online Auction coordinator- Sets up online auction. We already have an online site. The job would consist of entering items and promoting the online auction via email and social media. The coordinator (and/or assistants) would also make sure all winners received their prizes and writes thank yous to donors.

  7. Silent Auction Coordinator (2) - Responsible for preparing auction items and filling out bid sheets (during the 3 weeks prior) as well as running the silent auction the day off, including the check out process. Will have multiple assistants in all areas.

  8. Auction games and Cake Auction Coordinator- Collects cake donations from DCCNS families and/or local business’. Work with the auction coordinator and mc to run the auction games and cake auction.

  9. Auction Job Coordinator- Sest up list of auction helpers. All DCCNS parents work a 2-3 hour shift either before during or after the auction. Sends email reminders to parents.

  10. Donation Coordinator (s)- Solicit donations for the online and silent auctions. Will have 3-5 assistants as well as the school community. Keeps track of all donations and sends receipts and thank yous as needed.

Alumni Relations

Responsible for creating and updating current alumni email lists. Computer skills needed. Sends alumni emails/ regular mail for upcoming events/fundraisers, including the auction and an annual fundraising letter. Will work with the Webmaster Auction Coordinator, and/or Fundraising coordinator.

Art Area

Maintain the art sink and surrounding area and the counters/shelves by the art table and easels once a week.  Keep the art supplies neat and orderly. Refill glue bottles. Clean tops and lids of paint cups and add new paint if necessary. Scrub and sanitize art table, art sink, dish drain and counters.  Sweep floor under shelves where dirt collects. Responsibilities include scrubbing outside art easel at least once between Saturday work parties or more often as needed. Spend time weekly to stay on top of cleaning!

Assistant Treasurer

Calculates teacher reimbursements in spreadsheet prior to 16th and 1st of each month (amount and budget category - needs to have access to Amazon receipts)

  • Runs all other reimbursements through Union Bank and tracks category in QB

  • Issues invoices throughout the year (primarily for fundraising - all recurring tuition reimbursements completed by book keeeper)

  • Deposits cash/checks at Union Bank

Bagel delivery

Pick up bagels from Noah’s Bagels in North Davis every other week.

Board Position

The school could not provide your child with such a high quality education if it were not for the Board of Directors.  We encourage you to consider whether a position on the Board might be right for you. A list of all board positions is as follows: President, Vice President, Communication Coordinator, Fundraising Chair, Registrar, Policy Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer.  A description of each position is listed in the handbook.

Book Orders for all classes

Responsible for handing out book order forms (2-4 times per year depending on interest) in family folders (or sending instructions via email), collecting them and sending in the order.  Coordinator will also email parents about the timing of book orders and directions for ordering by paper and online. Distribute books to the parent’s files when they arrive or wrap them and place them in the child’s cubby.  Inform the director of accumulated bonus points. Please explain and advertise book orders (what it means to the school!) via email twice a year and announce at the fall orientation meeting.

Book Group Coordinator

Responsible for picking a book related to child development or parenting, planning and publicizing two or three meetings for discussion during the school year (fall, winter, and spring). Meetings are held at DCCNS and count as parent meeting credit. Coordinator keeps track of attendance and sends the list to the director.

Carnival Coordinator

Organize event workers for carnival which happens on a Sunday in the spring after the school Talent Show. Begin work in March to ask all the assistants which station and shift they would like to work and then organize the schedule. Check booths at school to make sure they are all accounted for. Start making the carnival necklaces for each child to wear, black/white copies can be made in church office. Yarn and stickers at school. Talk with the director often, keep her in loop and ask any questions.

Class Photographer/ Yearbook (Toddler/AM/PM)

Three main contributions:

  1. Take or collect photos throughout the school year.

  2. Create a photobook online highlighting the students, activities, and special events.

  3. Order one photobook for DCCNS to keep (DCCNS will purchase). Send the link and information to parents for them to purchase on their own.

NOTE #1:  No commercial use of photos is allowed. Pictures are the domain of DCCNS/all parents. NOTE #2:  Taking pictures of the children cannot be done on a day you are a working parent. On your working day, you are there to assist the teachers and keep the children safe, so taking pictures must be done at other times.  

Class Books- coordinates Intro Book and Art Book  (one for each class)

1. Class Introduction Book-

Gather a profile from each family in your class along with a photograph of each child (donated by the family or taken yourself).  Past examples should be found in folder or at school. Please make sure the child photos are close-ups! Assemble, copy in black and white and distribute the class books on or before October 31.  There can be two photos on one page and/or back to back.   PLEASE NOTE:  We have very little (next to nothing!) budgeted for these books, so please keep costs extremely low.  Make copies of books at church office, use school paper, print only in black and white etc.  The objective of this job is to give children a book they can read and admire from home. In case you have the book on your computer, send a color copy to parents. They may want to save a copy for the future.

2. Art Book Collector

Throughout the school year, collect (at least once a month) an art project from each child.  Gather items in a folder, filed in chronological order, and present each family with a completed art book at the end of the school year.  Work closely with teacher and keep him/her informed if a child is lacking projects for his/her book. Have books ready by the middle of May. Before assembly please check with teacher about other add-ons.

Class Representative (1 for each class)

Class Representatives serve as a link between the class and board and may be asked to attend board meetings or send reports if needed. Class Reps help to build community and connections in their individual classes.

  • Class Reps send out evaluations twice a year, first in November and then again in April. Summaries of the evaluations are discussed with the teachers then sent to the board.

  • Class Reps also coordinate teacher gifts (winter break, birthdays, teacher appreciation week and end of the year). Please communicate with families about the gift plans one week prior.

  • Class Reps also coordinate gift or meal delivery for families with new babies or in crisis. They may plan park play dates, yogurt afternoons, and class potluck(s).

  • Writes thank you notes as needed (visitors, fieldtrip)

Community Outreach

Oversee the operations of DCCNS’ participation in community events and connect with community leaders. This may include:  participation in the Downtown Davis Holiday Celebration, Picnic Day Parade, etc. It may also include donation events to local charities. It may include publicizing local community non-profit events to parents. It also may include alumni events and other social activities.


Assist the Registrar and other event coordinators in making copies in the church office. Please bring DCCNS paper and note any color copies made.

Dress Up Corner

Responsible for maintaining the dress-up area and play-kitchen area.  Wash dress up clothes occasionally. Notify sewing person if clothes need repair.  Rotate dress-up clothes and accessories monthly for variety (your creativity is encouraged!) by removing and adding items.  Update the pictures/ labels on the dress up bins as needed. Storage space for dress ups that are out of circulation is located in the office.  Disinfect the play kitchen and clean the mirror monthly. Run play dishes and pretend food through your dishwasher periodically. During the school year, develop a cleaning schedule to keep things on track.

Event Assistant Coordinator

All families are required to help plan or participate in one DCCNS event per school year.  The coordinator works with the director to collect sign ups (through the August mailing and at the orientation meeting) or online then communicates the list of assistants to the event coordinators. Make sure names and phone numbers are included on this list.  Contact and assign an event to any families who did not sign up or who join later in the year. Post the finalized schedule on the kitchen cupboard door. Changes are each family’s responsibility.

Fall Potluck Coordinator (May be combined with Talent Show Coordinator)

Send an email and sign up to parents for our fall potluck held in September. The potluck takes place on the grassy field on the corner of 5th and C streets. Please connect with DCC to make sure the date is available. Provide (or ask parents to bring) plates, cups and utensils.

Family Task Coordinator-

Assign all families a family task in the spring (along with the director and one other) or as they enroll in the school. Provide families with this of descriptions and make sure the list is current on the website. Post the list of assigned tasks at DCCNS on the snack cupboard.

Food and Supply Purchaser for all classes (3 positions)

  1. Costco Purchaser

  2. Produce purchaser

  3. Bargain Shopper and Researcher- help the staff or event planners find the best price for selected items.

Purchasers are responsible for obtaining monthly food and snack/cleaning supplies list from teacher, shopping as economically as possible, and delivering the food and/or supplies to the school for all three classes.  Make sure you are aware of allergies that might affect a specific class. Fill out a reimbursement form, attach receipts, let Director sign and place in treasurer’s folder for reimbursement.

Handbook Coordinator-

Update the DCCNS handbook when directed by the board or director. Present the following year’s handbook at the May board meeting. After board approval by vote email the handbook to the webmaster for posting.

Health Coordinator

1.Turns in annual vaccination report to the state in September.

2. In the event of a contagious outbreak (ie lice, Hand Foot and Mouth, etc.), the health coordinator leads a group of volunteers to do an extra cleaning of the school.

3. If interested and qualified, the health coordinator could lead a parent meeting on a health related topic.

4. Collects parent flu shot proof or declination forms in October.


Check school hamper a minimum of once a week or as needed and take dirty items home to wash, dry and fold and return to the school.  Take misc. items home as needed for laundering. Remember to store dish towels separate from rags.


Connect with teachers each month and switch out books on sign in table, loft, and other places around the school. The outdoor library only has DCC books, not DCCNS books. Put children’s school books back on shelf in the proper section as needed. Upload school books to app each month as needed.

Organize and alphabetize big books.

Maintain the parenting books in proper order and promote the parent book corner to encourage reading and borrowing by parents.  Keep track of books checked out and encourage parents to give feedback.


Three times per year, issue an all-school newsletter . Also, assist the director in creating the August Welcome Letter which is sent via email. Collect letters from the Board Chairperson as well as articles and photos from the Class Reporters. Review with Director and distribute hard copies to all DCCNS families.  

Parent Education Coordinator

The Parent Education Coordinator is responsible for communicating with parents and the director/teachers to discover current education needs. They  then 1.) Research possible topics and speakers. 2.) Plan meetings with executive director. 3.) Work with the executive director to publicize meeting. 4.) Submit an article for the website. 5.) Find other educational opportunities, along with the director, in the community (such as workshops, conferences, DPNS speakers, etc.) and publicize to school community.

Photo Day Organizer

Connect with a photographer to spend a day or two at DCCNS taking individual and class photos. Consult with teachers to pick a date. Email families with all the details before picture day, collect $$, and follow up with families after the event.

Playdough Maker

Make play dough or goo at least once a month or as requested by teachers.  Check with teachers to see it they have a preference for color and add scented extract (i.e., mint added to green play dough).  Fill out reimbursement forms with receipts and have director sign. See teachers for recipes and ingredients.

Communication/ Publicity Assistants (4 positions)

  1. Social Media- maintain the DCCNS facebook page, Davis Wiki, and other social media opportunities to promote DCCNS.

  2. T-shirt orders

  3. Community Liaison- visit playgroups or other groups to promote DCCNS. Help post/ distribute flyers around town under the advisement of the Communications Coordinator. This job is combined with: Early Childhood Conference Coordinator. This is an annual event in Davis and is usually   on a Saturday morning in February. DCCNS has a table to promote our school and to provide a craft activity. Past examples/ resources are available. The coordinator will have 2 assistants for the morning.

  4. Flyer and Documents. Computer and Creative skills needed! This job can be done at home on the computer. This person will assist event coordinators, teachers, and executive director in creating flyers to publicise events and meetings.

Safety/OSHA Coordinator/Minor Repairs

Responsible for completing a safety check three times a year and filing a report at school.  Gather and dispense safety/drill information from OSHA to the Director. Maintain a logbook as record or all safety issues as they arise.  Notify the Director of any hazardous condition and discuss/arrange to fix them. Consult the director about special projects or concerns. See binder at school.  Minor repairs: Make minor repairs of school equipment throughout the year as directed by any of the teachers.

Scheduler (Toddler/AM/PM)

You are responsible for assigning workdays for parents.  Note registration papers for requests!!! Introduce yourself at the first meeting and write a letter for the August mailing. Try not to have the same parents working together all the time to allow people to get to know other families. Copy/email the schedules and distribute them at least two weeks prior to when the new schedule starts.  Post a master schedule at school. Track the number of times each family has worked. In March, turn in total number of workdays completed to the Class Rep and to the Director. Once the schedule has been put out, you are not responsible to make changes or to keep track of the changes. Parents are expected to arrange a swap if a specific day on the printed schedule becomes a conflict for them.  Try to coordinate child’s birthday or half-birthday on parent’s workday. If there are no medical, work or vacation related issues, please try to schedule parents every other week (on average).

School Painter

Responsible for touching up cubbies, tables, doors as needed with paint. Also paints crosswalk, arrows and playground lines as needed.

School Pet

Make a binder with care instructions for Bear the rabbit. Make a schedule for families to take turn taking Bear home on the weekends. Keep all rabbit supplies updated. You will be reimbursed for all supplies purchased.

Science, Animal and  Garden Coordinator(s) (may be separate, depending on interest)

You are responsible for maintaining the science table area, providing interesting materials, and rotating the materials according to themes indicated by the staff.  Construct special projects if requested by the teachers or on your own in coordination with the teachers. Requires creativity and independent thinking! Help plan, shop, and tend DCCNS garden beds. Sugar snap peas and carrots have been hits in the past. Always open to new ideas!

Snack baker/ cook (3)

DCCNS strives to offer healthy, whole grain snacks to our children.  The snack baker/cook will consult with the teachers and provide a minimum of one homemade snack (for all classes) per month. The item should be enough for approximately 60 children. Or if we have three bakers (one per class), two snacks per month. Suggested items include muffins, breads, pretzels, Popsicles, mac –n- cheese, soup, etc. Love creativity! Please make sure all items are free of tree nuts and peanuts, and prepare them in a nut free environment as well.

Spring Talent Show Coordinator (may be combined with Fall Potluck coordinator)

Find someone who is willing to be the MC for the Talent Show. Two weeks prior to the Talent Show send an email to the director (for distribution) announcing the Talent Show. Also post several flyers at school. Post a sign up sheet for families who wish to participate in the show. Include child’s name, class, and act. The day before the show create a simple program.

Teacher Support

  1. Field Trip and Thank you note coordinator. In coordination with the AM and PM teachers, call and schedule fieldtrips. Call a few days prior to re confirm. Follow up with thank you notes if necessary. Coordinate thank you notes for class visitors.

  2. Curriculum helper. Help with the preparation for classroom projects.

Toy Cleaning (Circle Room)

Maintain the shelves where toys and games are stored.  Periodically check to see if pieces are missing, broken or low in number.  Report this to the director. Take a bucket of toys home a couple of times a month and run them through the dishwasher or otherwise clean and disinfect them and the containers.  Ask the Director or a teacher for a recommendation on what needs cleaning. Pay special attention to toys that are frequently put in children’s mouths, like people, giraffes, and dinosaurs.  Periodically wipe down the shelves and check that the curtains are clean and in good condition. During the school year, develop a cleaning rotation form.

Toy Cleaning (Snack Room)

Maintain the cooking area and storage shelves for manipulatives and puzzles.  Check periodically to see if toy pieces are missing, broken or low in number and advise the teacher.  Take a bucket of toys home a couple of times a month and run them through your dishwasher or otherwise clean and disinfect them and their containers.  Ask a teacher for a recommendation on what needs cleaning. Wipe the cabinets under cooking appliances and cabinet fronts.  Clean the appliances as needed. During the school year, develop a cleaning rotation form.


Maintain the DCCNS website, make changes as needed throughout the year.

Work Party Coordinator

Set up an online sign up system for the mid year work parties. Connect with one family at each work party and teach them how to run the work party. Please provide that same family a key to DCCNS. Send email reminders about the work parties. The executive director will provide the work party task list.

Updated April 2019